Who are we?
CCBS is a law firm practicing in the fields of business law and international relations.
Based in Rouen, our firm operates throughout France.
Our firm holds two certificates of specialisation issued by the Conseil National des Barreaux, one in business law and the other in international law, reflecting the official recognition of its skills by the representative association of French lawyers on a national level.
CCBS assists companies and their managers in various areas of business law, providing advice and assistance in French and international commercial litigation.
At CCBS, we value business leaders who take risks, who invest, and thus contribute, each in their own way, to the human and economic development of our territories.
The choice of this business path requires legal support, as the pitfalls are numerous and the stakes high.
Our service offers, our areas of expertise, the training we provide and the training we follow are in line with our convictions and are exclusively geared towards defending the interests of men and women who choose to evolve in business life.